A Very Lucky Day

Yesterday morning whilst waiting for Nelly to finish digging Mum and I found one of these …


And when Mum came back home from work we were very excited to see her, not only because it was lunchtime but also because DaveĀ  – our postie – had left a parcel on the veranda!


It came all the way from Vancouver, Canada.


It was from our friend Sunshade the SUPERdale!

Naturally we immediately set to opening it up, even Nelly who usualy leaves that sort of thing to me insisted on having a go.

There were some very exciting things in it!


Can you see what’s peeking out from behind that delicious looking bag?


It’s the Vancouver Olympics 2010 mascots … all four of them! From top left to right:

Miga, Sumi, Quatchi and Mukmuk

Sunshade wrote in her letter that as we were hosting the next Olympics she decided to send her mascots to us! How cool is that?

There were other things in the parcel as well!

There was a long letter from Sunshade and Jaffa (both signed in their own pawprint!)


and the most delicious thing in the world: tripesticks! Mum also got a special sticker to go in the new Airewagon.


It’s perfect!


Mum let us try the Canadian tripesticks – we’d do anything for tripesticks!


Nelly was sooo happy about the parcel and the stuffies and the tripesticks and the letter from Jaffa (her new boyfriend!) she started to roll about all over the floor.


Quatchi and the box were her favourite! I just couldn’t make up my mind …. the stuffies …. Sunshade’s letter …. the snackies …. Nelly (who is starting to smell very interesting BTW) …

Thank you so very much Sunshade, Jaffa and Elaine. That was the most wonderful surprise!


from Nelly paw


Finni paw

… and Mum xxxx

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7 Responses to A Very Lucky Day

  1. Violet says:

    Looks like some good loot from Canada!

  2. What nice gifts from Sunshade and Jaffa! You have excellent taste in boyfriends, Nelly! Jaffa is definitely a hunk! The two of you would make a very cute couple!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. I’m so happy you guys liked the stuffies and tripe stickies and the sign!!! You open boxes like I do Finni, and Nelly plays with stuffies like STINKY does. You were very smart to go for the tripe stickies, that’s what I would have done too. Quatchi is our favouritest mascot too, mum has a giant one that I have yet been able to get a hold of (you know, the kind of hold I do on my fat rat).

    We just wanted to say a big thank you (also belated birfday to Nelly)!!

    Love nibbles,
    Miss Sunshade

  4. Noah says:

    Awesome pressies guys. Nelly, Jaffa will make a great boyfriend. He is super nice and Sunshade is the best!!!

    Noah x

  5. Just lost our comments. Twice. Dang Blogger.

    Excellent pressies. Sunshade and Jaffa are good gifters! Did not know that JaffaMan was your fella Miss Nelly. Cool. We AireGals seem to like foreign boyfriends. Did you know that Mischka is my AireGuy?! WooHoo!

    Those toys look very chewable!! Yum. X-Hootie

  6. The Thuglets says:

    Woooooooooo..what a parcel to receive!

    You clearly have excellent taste in boyfirends Nelly. We love tripe sticks too.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  7. asta says:

    Finni and Nelly
    That was cewtainly a most pawsome box of gifts fwom the bootiful Miss Sunshade and hew dashing Bwuvvew(you have gweat taste Nelly) Jaffe man
    They awe so thouthful and those twipe sticks look intwiguing..I loved watching youw happyness as you opened the package and then nelly’s come hithew wole fow Jaffa, hehehe
    Thank you fow my Biwfday wishes
    smoochie kisses

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