The problem with pet food…

Well, I weathered last nights magnificently loud and long village fireworks display quite well thanks to Macaroni Cheese.


When we walked through the fields this morning we didn’t find any stray rockets at all. However I found some ‘treasure’ and insisted on bringing it all the way home.


Don’t you just love chomping on a bit of sugarbeet?

I also started to actively support Elke’s ‘cleaner pet food for Finni’ campaign. All I heard was “What the…?” when she emptied the washing machine and found the half finished chewie I carefully hid in the sorted pile of washing yesterday.


There we are … a nice clean chewie, washed and rinsed three times. It’s just starting to uncurl nicely. She gave it back to me this morning but as I was still working on another one I decided to save it for later … and buried it.

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4 Responses to The problem with pet food…

  1. The Thuglets says:

    Finni glad you got through the fireworks ok! What a lovely clean chewie you have. Hmmmm maybe we should try that trick with our marrowbones…what dya fink?

    The Thuglets

  2. jdhilmar says:

    Just wondering Finni, if the bone has been in the washing machine did Elke put fabric softner in?
    If so did it make the bone soft or is it still deliciously chewable?

    Molly and Taffy

  3. caz and Ludo says:

    Is Macaronie cheese your tea or just a real good friend that stayed hahaha
    i bet you managed to get that bone really dirty after it went through the washer.
    Pal Ludo

  4. Hmm, nice and clean. The hiding it in the garden should get it good and dirty again though!

    Toodle pip,
    Harry x

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