Snowdrops and bonios

We are having beautiful sunshine at the moment. So we are spending a lot of time outdoors in the garden. Elke really wanted to take a photo of me next to the snowdrops … but I would not sit. So she resorted to the Bonio bribe…


You can see I would rather be anywhere than sit there!


Even in the house.


Alright then, but you have got your shadow on this one mum!


At this point I had been given a bonio … mmmmh!


Ready for the off.

Moral of the story: Always have a bonio in your back pocket!

Finni paw

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4 Responses to Snowdrops and bonios

  1. maggie says:

    Your snowdrops are so pretty, Finni! We had to look up bonios to know what they were and we discovered that they’re dog biscuits! yummmmmm

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. You look very handsome sittting by the snowdrops Finni!

    Mummy says thank you for birthday wishes.

    Cassidy x

  3. jdhilmar says:

    You look very nonchalant Finni in your photos. Did you count the Snowdrops? We have some I managed to count them on 1 paw, we only seem to have 4! probably something to do with holes being dug last year!!!

  4. Stanley says:

    Finni Boy!

    You look so thrilled to be posing by the snowdrops. Believe me, my hoogirl knows that face. I give it to her at least 20 times a day. But hey, I still love her.

    What would the hoomans do without us?

    Goober love,

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