I’m a shaggy 2-year old

When we got up this morning Dad’s temperature thingy said minus 7.3 degrees – That’s very cold!


The whole garden was frozen!!! However, this does not put us off our early morning walk, especially not today as it is my Birthday. Today I am two years old. So Mum put all her warm walking things on filled up the treat bag and off we went.


We were one of the first to arrive at the Carlton Forest car parking area.

Frosty Trees

Despite the frost there was lovely sunshine and under the trees nothing was frozen – clever that.


There were even a few tractors out lifting carrots in this weather. I had a little go at seeing them off but Mum said I mustn’t, they were allowed here.

New Walk

Then we turned off into a field we had never been in before. Lovely smells everywhere.


Once we had crossed the field we found a little snicket.

Frosty Beard

By this time the frost had really got into my beard – and the odd sticky bob or two – and I looked pretty much like a shaggy 2-year old.

Frosty Sheep

We carried on and did a full circle and came across a field full of sheep in the misty frost.


The view was breath taking.

Back Home

One more turn and we’re on the home straight.

And when we got home Dad had already made sure my bone was ready for me and Mum’s cappuccino was waiting for her too. A great two hour birthday walk! I noticed there are presents too. But Mum said I have to wait until dad gets home before I can open them. I wonder if I’ll get some cake too…..

Bye for now.

Finni paw

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7 Responses to I’m a shaggy 2-year old

  1. maggie says:

    Happy birthday, Finni!!! What an awesome way to start your birthday! YIKES – minus 7 is cold! Our paws are crossed that you have a yummy birthday cake to enjoy later!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. jdhilmar says:

    Hiya Finni
    You certainly had a real cool birthday!
    What pressies did you get?
    Did you have a Birthday cake?
    Molly and Taffy xx

  3. The Thuglets says:

    Finni Happy 2nd Birthday! Many happy returns of the day..we are sorry we were late.
    Looks like you had a great walk. Did you get a birthday cake?

    Big Cold Nose Pokes
    the thugletsx

  4. Kimi Wagner says:

    Happy Birthday Finni.

    You are a very handsome Airedale, whether groomed or shaggy. That’s the true wonder of an Airedale. When we’re shaggy like this, my Mum says I look like a cross between an ewok and a teddy bear. Everyone who hears is chuckles and says its true. I guess you look so much like me, my Mum loves to read your blog too.

    I hope you enjoyed all your presents. I spent my 2nd birthday last year in Nov, but no cake or pressies…


  5. leuradales says:

    Oh no Finni,
    We’re so sorry we’re late in wishing you a happy birthday.
    Big hugs and aire kisses to you from the girls and a paw shake from me matie. Happy belated birthday!!!!!!!


  6. Stanley says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Finni!

    You and I are practically the same age (although you are 2 full months older than I am). I think you look quite smart with some extra shag in your coat.

    Sounds like your birthday walk was perfect ~ new smells, new sheep, trucks to run off, and a bone waiting for you at the end. My kind of day.

    I hope the celebration just keeps going, and going, and going!

    Goober love & birthday smooches from me & Stella,

  7. Oh Finni! We missed your birthday. I’m most awfully sorry. Looks like you had a spendid walk. I’m a fan of frosty morning walks too, nice and refreshing don’t you find!

    Look forward to hearing about your pressies.

    Toodle pip Harry x

    Kissies from Cassidy x

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