+ + + Important News flash + + +

+ + + Mini Finnis are on their way! + + +

Mum had the news this afternoon. It was confirmed by scan.

Ok, I bet you’re wondering how that happened. Well, at the beginning of August Scooby’s Mum’s friend was looking for a (preferably unvaccinated) boy for her beautiful Airedale girl Bonzo (remember the Bonzo Doo Dah Doggie Band? Yes, she’s named after them.) So Mel told Sue and Sue phoned Mum … , and one thing led to another and Bonzo and I were introduced …

The puppies are due on the 17th October and Mum is hoping to be there when they are born 🙂 She’s been grinning all afternoon and stroking me and saying things like “Clever Boy!”

Now all we have to do is convince Dad that this is a two Dale household …

Bye for now from one pretty proud Father-to-be!


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5 Responses to + + + Important News flash + + +

  1. maggie says:

    Congratulations, Finni! Your babies are going to be so handsome – just like you are! We can’t wait to see them!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. leuradales says:

    Finni mate, way to go buddy. We look forward to seeing the little Finnis. We’ll keep our paws crossed that you get a little brother or sister from the litter.


  3. caz and Ludo says:

    Well done Finni I knew you had it in you.Can’t wait to hear how things go.
    Tell your dad ofcourse there is room for 2 dales in the house. Otto has only been here a few days and it feel like a life time hahahahhaha.
    We are loving it here like your mum and dad will when your son or daughter arrives . Good luck and get that cigar lit .

    Your the man.

    Ludo the cool dude.

  4. Molly and Taffy says:

    Brilliant news Finni. Oh yes, there is definitely room for at least one more Dale in your house, just tell your Dad we said so!!!!!

    Molly and Taffy. xx

  5. St Georgeous says:

    oh wow Finni, are you gonna be a dad???? boy, what an experience you’ve had, i hope your celebrating!!

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