First things first … look what happened to me on Saturday! 🙁
There I was Saturday morning having a right cuddle with Brenda (she loves me, says I remind her of Brad Pitt! What do you think?)
and both of us with ‘Airedo’ …….. Mmhhh, maybe she’s not so wrong …
when mum loaded me into the car again shortly after arriving home to go for the ‘AireDo’. Mind you I’m about 3 pounds lighter and bounce everywhere now.
So I looked for something to do with my new found energy …
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… and for the final push …
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R.I.P. puppy. You were a good playmate whilst it/you lasted. We’re still working on Dad to get a real sister – any suggestions?
You are 10 times cuter than Brad Pitt, Finni!
Poor puppy! He WAS cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
oh goodness.. the carnage… You should submit those videos to licked toys!